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Thanksgiving 2019 Tips & Tricks

Thanksgiving is almost here! We’ve scoured the internet to bring some incredible tips for you to ensure this thanksgiving, you focus on your Thanksgiving menu while we bring to everything else that will make it a success.  

50 Incredible table setting ideas 

 Goodhousekeeping to the rescue. Draw inspiration from 50 thanksgiving table setting ideas that’ll impress even your judgiest guests. We don’t know if your turkey will be perfect, but after going through this, your table definitely will be. 

How to add fun to your table? 

 Two words knick-knacks. Objects you can play with during awkward silences, meandering stories, and those achingly long minutes between dinner and pie. Instead of quietly dying inside or jabbing at your turkey, Erika Owen from Healthyish has some great tips on to place on your tables that will take care of the entertainment. Lots of great tips here

A conversation starter: 

 One of our biggest hosting fears is mixing different groups of friends. How do you break the ice? Read here to discover a simple game. As much as we thought this trick could be anxiety-inducing, we can totally see how it can quickly change the atmosphere in the room and get epic stories out on the table. 

Steal Ina Garten’s Menu for Thanksgiving

This one may be from 2017, but you can still borrow a thing or two from her. It’s not traditional, it doesn’t feature mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie. Take a look 

How to get your Kitchen in order after thanksgiving

 You spend days making lists getting your space and Kitchen for thanksgiving, but you don’t have to spend days cleaning it after. Apartment Therapy has some great tips that are simple but helpful that should help you clean up easily. 

How is your thanksgiving prep coming along? Here is a bonus link from Kitchen. A 10-day thanksgiving timeline guide to help you ace thanksgiving.